James Spink and Jeffrey Behm speak about ‘Ethical Dilemmas Confronting the Trial Lawyer’

Attorneys Spink and Behm presented on “Ethical Dilemmas Confronting the Trial Lawyer” at the Vermont Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Lake Morey on September 27, 2013.  Attorneys Spink and Behm lead the audience in an analysis of ethical challenges in relation to the Model Rules, the Vermont Rules, and the Code of Pretrial and Trial conduct. Attorneys Behm and Spink have a combined 59 years of experience practicing law.

James Spink Attends National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals Training

Attorney Spink attended a 3-day National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals advanced mediation training retreat in Boston, MA on August 21-24.  Membership in the Academy is by invitation only and limited to professional mediators and arbitrators who are well established as trusted neutrals amongst the legal community within their state of practice. Speakers at the retreat included Lee Jay Berman (American Institute of Mediation), Prof. Guhan Subramanian (Harvard Law, Program on Negotiation), Andy Little (author of “Making Money Talk”), Lela Porter Love (co-editor of “Stories Mediators Tell”) Don Philbin (TX) and John Salmon (FL).

Ian Carleton achieves ground-breaking ruling

Congratulations to Attorney Carleton for his dedication and persistence in the matter of State v. John Grega.  On August 21, 2013, a judge overturned the 1995 murder conviction and life-without-parole sentence for John Grega based on exculpatory DNA evidence.  John Grega was convicted of raping and murdering his wife while on vacation in Vermont.  John Grega spent 18 years of his life in prison before being released.  Dan Richardson, a private practice attorney who writes a Vermont Supreme Court law blog states “Grega’s case represents the first time a prisoner was released due to a post-conviction DNA test.”