At the Vermont Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting on March 29, 2024 Sheehey partner Kevin A. Lumpkin was honored for his years of service on the Vermont Bar Association Board. Kevin served for seven years on the VBA Young Lawyers Division Board, serving as an at-large member followed by its Secretary, Treasurer, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair. Kevin organized many events and activities for young lawyers, helping to organize the annual Mid-Winter Thaw, young lawyer mixers, trivia nights, cookouts, and an evening at the Burlington paint and sip studio. For the final three years of his service on the YLD Board, Kevin served on the Vermont Bar Association Board of Managers.
VBA Board of Managers President Judith Dillon presented Kevin with a plaque at the Mid-Year Meeting honoring his dedication to the profession and his service to the Young Lawyers Division and Vermont Bar Association. Kevin will continue to serve his community on the Boards of Vermont Works for Women, where he serves as Treasurer, and Town Meeting Television, where he serves as President and Burlington Trustee. Sheehey partner Justin A. Brown now leads the Young Lawyers Division and serves on the Board of Managers.